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Kategorie: runterladen > Software > Internet > Webmaster-Tools > Suchmaschinen >
Search Engine Optimizer checks web pages for individually targeted engines

Search Engine Optimizer checks web pages for individually targeted engines

Search Engine Optimizer is a software for any Windows version that offers specialized checks on Web pages in an effort to achieve higher search engine rankings. Users can run their Web pages through the Search Engine Optimizer
(GRSeo) program, indicating which engine they're targeting and which keyword phrase. The program will offer a extensive series of suggestions and checks
aimed toward achieving higher rankings in the search engines.
"It's almost impossible to keep up with changes in the search engine
industry," says Robin Nobles, Director of Training for the Search Engine Workshops. "Search
Engine Optimizer remembers these changes so you don't have to," she
explains. "It's so easy to use that users can jump right in and learn what needs to be changed to achieve higher rank

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Seit: 07-Dez-2004


    Aktualisiert am: 26-Feb-2016 - 19:47:57