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Kategorie: runterladen > Software > Office und Business > Sonstiges >
AdminsParadise Voip PBX and FAX

AdminsParadise Voip PBX and FAX

VoIP Can offer a significant savings for a small, medium or large office. Free enterprise grade VoIP PBX and web based fax solution. Features extensive "movie walkthroughs" to step you through the installation and administration of the software. LiveCD and installation CD. Features: Easy web based administration. Rock solid platform. Industrial Grade Hylafax Fax solution with web based faxing and print-to-fax capability Asterisk VoIP engine. Easily schedule conference bridges with an intuitive web interface. Modular design. As the administrator, you have the ability to choose which modules your users have access to. Roaming users. Your users can login to any phone and their number follows them. Easy web based configuration, and more! The purpose of Adminsparadise is to provide administrators with the best-of-breed Open Source solutions in a manner that is extremely easy to use and administer. Enterprise Feature set to include call parking, paging, Interactive Voice Response, music-on-hold, custom queuing and much much more Use any open standards based phone (SIP) to include Polycom, Cisco, Grandstream, Snom, Aastra, and more. Easy to install, administer and free. Can be installed as Standalone on a single server or as a high-availability HA cluster with mirrored servers.

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Eintrag: 09-Jun-2007


    Aktualisiert am: 26-Feb-2016 - 19:48:21